Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 3, evening

This day sucks. Actually, for the most part it was easier than the other two days, I will admit. But I am still having ridiculous cravings. Plus, it seems that I start to get really, really, really hungry around 4 or 5 o'clock.

The salt water definitely went straight through me, as it is supposed to. However, that was pretty much all that came out, which was disappointing. I have yet to find anything surprising in my toilet bowl! Unfair, because Matt said his last poo was incredibly dark and stringy and absolutely repulsive! Lucky!

Also, his intestines have been rumbling away all day. He says he can really feel his body moving things around and clearing things up. Not me. I feel like a collection of empty tubes and one very empty stomach. 

Also, still haven't lost any weight at all. As far as I can tell, neither has Matt, and I have yet to see Nathan. Some people say that happens, and then it all drops off suddenly. I don't have much to lose. More than ten pounds would put me close to being underweight, so I'm not really asking for much. Mostly, I just want to see something happening instead of just feeling miserable!

I've been hearing some new perspectives on when it gets easier. Day 4. That's tomorrow, so we'll see... So far, I have just been hungry, pooped a bit, felt like a champ briefly after doing the salt water, and really wanted to quit the rest of the time.